Location : 200 Tiffield Rd Unit-A104, Scarborough, ON M1V 5J1
Phone : +1 4372687476
RGCO is a non-profit organization registered with the government and have a Board of Directors responsible for overall governance and strategic direction. The organization has a senior management team responsible for day-to-day operations. The staff includes program officers, finance officers, communication officers, volunteers, and field staff.
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    Working Hours : Monday-friday, 09am-5pm
    Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
    Non profit Charity Foundation
    Everyone should
    have access to Education

    We want a world where every individual has access to education and is able to live a dignified life, regardless of their socio-economic background.

    Non profit Charity Foundation
    Let's Come Together in our mission

    To promote gender equality and empower girls through education,

    Non profit Charity Foundation
    We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

    Target Geographies

    RGCO focusses on working in developing countries mainly in Afghanistan. The organization will prioritize working in areas that have limited access to education and are affected by conflict or natural disasters.

    Years of Foundation
    Monthly Donation
    Global Partners
    Project Completed
    Raise Your Hand To The Poor Children Education For Better Future Life

    There is no better way than to donate your time to the education of impoverished children. Many children NGOs are also providing tuition for them where you can volunteer or donate money.

    Personal Info

    Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

    How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.


    Raise Your Hand And Donate Now

    Donation Total: $100.00

    Why donate us

    We’re So Much Trusted Charity Foundation

    A world where every individual has access to education and is able to live a dignified life, regardless of their socio-economic background.

    To empower disadvantaged communities in by providing access to quality education and supporting humanitarian efforts.

    Education Programs

    The organization works to improve access to quality education for disadvantaged children, with a focus on primary and secondary education. It aims to provide a holistic education that includes academic subjects, life skills, and vocational training programs. RGCO works to improve access to quality education for children.

    The organization provides training and support to teachers to improve their skills and knowledge, and to ensure they have the necessary resources to provide quality education to their students

    The organization is committed to promoting girls' education and works to address the barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, such as poverty, cultural attitudes, and early marriages. The organization prioritizes the education of girls and work to empower them through education. This will involve providing scholarships, promoting gender equality, and providing support for girls to stily in school.

    The organization leverages innovative technologies such as e-learning platforms, mobile apps, and social media to provide education to remote and hard-to-reach

    Humanitarian Relief Programs

    The organization provides emergency relief and support to communities affected by conflict, natural disasters, or other crises. It provides basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare while also working to address the long-term effects of the crises

    The organization works to improve the health and nutrition of disadvantaged communities, with a focus on mothers and children. It provides education and support to health and nutrition issues, as well as access to healthcare services.

    The organization works to improve access to safe water and sanitation facilities in communities that lack these basic necessities. It provides education and support on

    The organization works to improve the livelihoods and economic opportunities of disadvantaged communities. It provides vocational training, microfinance, and support for small businesses

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